• Milk and More!
    Fresh. Local. Delivered
  • Creamy Cheese
    Fresh. Local. Delivered
  • Sweet Ice Cream
    Fresh. Local. Delivered

Welcome To Our Farm!

Here you will find a wide range of healthy and fresh dairy products that were proudly produced at our farm by our farmers and cows. Welcome to Jacksons!

Our Dairy Farm

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Healthy Milk

Milk from organically raised cows tends to be richer in certain nutrients compared to conventional milk. Organic cows graze on pasture, which enhances the nutrient profile of their milk, including higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Our Organic Food

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What's Fresh

From Our Family
to Yours

Although any mammal can produce milk, commercial dairy farms are typically one-species enterprises. In developed countries, dairy farms typically consist of high producing dairy cows. Other species used in commercial dairy farming include goats, sheep, and camels. Donkeys in Italy.

About Us

Our Story

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Starting a Farm

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The Best Milk in the State

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Store Opening

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Online Shop and Shipment

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Brie Cheese

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Camembert Cheese

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Pecorino Romano

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Evaporated Milk

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Farm Sour Cream

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Formage a Raclette

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Parmesan Cheese

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

Rictta Salata

Dairy farming’s been part of agriculture for thousands of years.

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